Elisa image shines on the cover of the magazine "Gala"

Elissa elegant in black Alyssa elegant in black color

Star published barred from Elisa session photographed for the magazine "Gala" to her fans on the social networking site Twitter.

Elisa appeared stylish as usual in a black suit the short Btnorh, and appeared in another photo black pair of trousers and a red blouse, The cover image was a green dress and gray of the introduction.

How to make your home safer for your child

Parents worry endlessly about how to protect their children from child abuse or abduction, but many manage to overlook one of the biggest threats to their children's safety and well being — their own home.

According to a 2006 report by Safe Kids Canada, young children, from birth to age five, are especially vulnerable to injuries in the home. More than 20,000 children each year are seen in emergency departments across Canada. That means that approximately 60 young children every day suffer injuries in the home serious enough to be taken to hospital. In Canada, the injury risk for young children peaks between their first and second birthday. Falls account for more than half of all injuries, while the highest number of deaths are due to fire.

So don't wait until disaster strikes before you think about aspects of safety for the new arrival in your home. With careful planning and a little equipment, you'll be prepared when your baby is ready to explore.

Despite the hundreds of childproofing gadgets on the market, the most important safety device is always going to be your supervision. No matter how well equipped you are, you still need to keep a constant lookout for possible dangers.

If in doubt, always take your baby with you when you go to answer the door or telephone.
General safety
Certain safety actions can be applied to every room. These are some of the approaches you can take:

• Put safety covers in all unused electrical outlets. Keep switched plugs in the off position.

• Attach cushioned corner-and-edge protectors to the sharp corners of coffee tables and desks.

• Consider the potential hazard of anything you drop into the bin. If you're using it to discard batteries, paper clips, plastic bags, or other dangerous items, place it out of reach, or in a cupboard which your child cannot open.

• Keep pens, scissors, letter openers, staplers, paper clips, and other sharp instruments in locked drawers.

• Domestic fires pose one of the greatest risks to children. Children playing with matches and lighters frequently start house fires. If you have a fireplace, keep a fire extinguisher nearby, and have it serviced or checked according to the manufacturer's instructions. Don't put objects above the fireplace which might attract your child to climb up to reach them. Keep matches and lighters out of sight and reach of children. Extinguish and dispose of cigarettes properly. Have an escape route planned, and practice it, in case of fire.

Fit smoke alarms which comply with all local fire regulations and check them regularly. Install smoke detectors in every bedroom and one near the kitchen. Check them monthly to be sure they're working, and change the batteries annually. A working smoke detector can cut the chances of dying in a fire by 50 per cent.

• Try to avoid curtains and blinds with cords — dangling cords could result in strangulation. If you do have them, tie cords high up, out of your child's reach.

• Place colourful stickers on large areas of glass, such as sliding glass doors, to prevent them from becoming “invisible.” Sash windows should always be opened from the top and fitted with locks to prevent small children from opening them from the bottom. Fix low windows so that they don't open more than five inches. Keep furniture and other potential climbing structures away from windows.

• Put non-slip pads under rugs and mats which don't already have non-slip backs.

• Use safety gates and door gates. On stairs, fit a safety gate at the top and another three steps from the bottom. This will stop your infant or toddler from climbing all the way to the top only to discover that she can't reverse the process. But remember that child safety is ongoing. The gate you put at the top of the stairs for your one-year-old may become her favourite climbing structure when she's two.

• Never leave things lying on the stairs which could cause someone to trip up. Stairs should be carefully maintained — damaged or worn carpet should be repaired or removed. Make sure balustrades are strong and do not have any footholds for climbing. Stairs should always be well lit. Every year, hundreds of children are treated in emergency departments for fall-related injuries. Once your baby starts crawling, you may also need a safety gate to keep her out of rooms which are off-limits.

• Hide lamp and appliance cords behind heavy furniture or conceal them with a special “flex holder” device. Tall lamps might topple over if your baby pulls on them, so anchor them safely behind furniture.

• Be aware of things that pinch fingers, like hinges, ironing boards and deck chairs. You might consider buying hinge protectors.

• Keep first-aid supplies in a locked cupboard, out of reach, and make sure babysitters and others know where to find the supplies in your home and how to respond in an emergency. Make sure you have poison-proofed your home to protect your children from hazardous substances.

• The incidence of burns and scalds in young children is much higher than that of older children and adults. Most scalds are caused by hot drinks being spilled. Remember that they are still hot enough to scald a child 15 minutes after being made. And never ever pass a hot drink to a breastfeeding mom — even a tiny drop of the hot liquid could scald both baby and mother.

9 Things You Need to Do to Your Skin

The other night as I was washing my face and getting ready for bed, I looked at myself in the mirror and was suddenly horrified over how old and haggard my face looks. For the first time in a long time, my complexion is dull and blah. I'm starting to get a little bit of loose skin around my eyes. And I just don't look, well — in my 20s anymore.

And even though I know very well that the reason I don't look like I'm in my 20s is because I'm 35, I still don't like the idea of looking 35, you know?

What's really weird is that as early as two years ago, I really could've passed for a woman under 30 (or at least I thought so).

And based on how much rougher my appearance has gotten over the time span of a couple years, I think I know what my problem is. I stopped being diligent with my skin care routine.

You see, back in the day, I did the whole spa party biz thing. I was really “in the know” when it came to how to successfully take care of my skin so I don't wind up looking like the inside of an old catcher's mitt in my elder years. And when I stuck to a strict beauty routine, my skin literally glowed. It looked healthy, fresh, and youthful.

And I never should've slacked on it. Ever. And as of now, I'm starting to back up again and making sure I take good care of my skin in the hopes that I'll get the glow back and won't regret taking a couple years off.

Trust me, if you haven't gotten into a good skin care regime yet, you need to do it now. Like RIGHT now.

Here are nine things you need to start doing right away so your skin will thank you later.

Pick a skin care line — And stick with it when you do. Each line's products are made to work together, so it's a good idea to stick with a brand instead of mixing and matching too much. I've always gotten better results when I stay with one line.
Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate — If you aren't using a mild scrub once or twice a week, then you have dead skin cells building up a layer of ick on your face. The longer you go without exfoliating, the more the layer grows. Ew. And at least once a month, use a deeper exfoliate, like microdermabrasion, to reveal fresh, new skin cells.
Use toner — Toner does more than get rid of excess dirt and makeup your cleanser left behind. It also balances out the pH level of your skin, which makes it easier to absorb moisturizers, anti-aging creams, and the like.
Moisturize twice a day — OMG. If you are washing your face and not applying moisturizer afterwards, you're basically asking for your skin to dry up like a raisin. Even if you don't think you need it, you do. And the older you get, the more you need.
Invest in a good eye cream — Even if you aren't keen on using other anti-aging products, get yourself an eye cream and apply it every night before bed religiously. The skin around your eyes is the first place you show signs of aging, and it needs moisture and regeneration just as much as the rest of your face, if not more.
Steam your face regularly — Whether you use an actual steamer or just run the hot shower in your bathroom, steaming opens up your pores so toxins and impurities can be released.
Clean up your diet — Believe it or not, simply choosing whole, healthy foods can have an impact on your skin's radiance. You can never eat too many fruits and veggies!
Up your vitamin intake — Something as simple as taking vitamins C and E supplements can have just as big a benefit on your skin outside as they do for your whole body inside.
Get out of the house or office — Oxygen is essential to keeping your skin looking beautiful, and without enough of it, skin cells start to die. It can be so tough, especially in the winter months, to get outside, but by venturing out even for 20 minutes a few times a week, you'll notice a difference in the mirror.

Making masks Apple

You know how they say: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Apples are the perfect fruits for eating healthy meals in the evening or keeping a diet. But have you ever thought nourishing your skin with apples? Apples have many vitamins, such as A, B1, B2 and C which can be used in nourishing your skin after sun exposure or in keeping the wrinkles and acne away. Interested?
Here are five home made masks using apples. Let you skin enjoy some apples and feel young again.

Toning mask for aging skin
You hate your new wrinkles and don’t know how to make your skin look and feel young again? Just use apples. It’s very simple. Here’s the secret: peel two apples, put them in the blender and afterwards mix them with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture on your face and neck, and then let it stand for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and after that apply a moisturizer.
Apple mask for acne
This mask is very easy to prepare. You will need one tablespoon of honey, half an apple in blender and a tablespoon of clay (any type). Apply the mask on face with delicate movements, massaging gently for 5 minutes to stimulate skin circulation and absorption of the ingredients. You can use this mask both in the mornings and in the evenings.
Apple mask for skin glow
Mix the grated apple and mix it very well with one egg white. Apply the mask in a uniform layer on the face and let it act for 10 minutes. The final step is to rinse with warm water. Your skin will glow again.
Apple mask with yogurt
Mix the grated apple and mix it with 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt with as little fat as possible, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of starch for cooking. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask speeds up the natural production of collagen in the skin, contributing to the healing of old scars (acne, measles and so on).

How to Drink Water for Naturally Healthy

You might have known that our human body is made up of 70 percent water. But do you know? Not only does water maintains the normal operation of our body, but it also flushes it from our skin. For naturally healthy skin, here is how you can drink water in the most proper way.

1. You may say you drink coffee, tea, soft drinks and juices each day. And surely, they can be counted into your daily water intake but always remember that pure water is the best for the health of our bodies and skin. Make sure you drink at least 4 to 5 glasses of pure water each day.

2. A best thing to do: once you get up in the morning, or before you go to bed each night, drink a glass of water.

3. Before eating, drink a glass of water to help fill you up so you can eat less. This is super benifitial if you are on a diet to loose weight.

4. When you exercise, make sure you drink plenty of water, which replenishes the water you loose through sweating.

5. At any time of the day, drink water before you feel thirsty. Once you are feeling the signs of thirst, you are already dehydrated.

Australian central bank computers targeted by hackers

Australia's central bank has confirmed that it has been targeted by hackers.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) said it had “on occasion been the target of cyber attacks”, following a report in an Australian newspaper.

The report documented hacking incidents dating back to 2011, including malware embedded in emails.

The bank said no data had been lost and its systems had not been corrupted, but did not comment on reports the attacks originated in China.

China has frequently been blamed for similar cyber attacks, targeting economic or business information.

In a statement the RBA said: “The bank has comprehensive security arrangements in place which have isolated these attacks and ensured that viruses have not been spread across the Bank's network or systems.

“At no point have these attacks caused the Bank's data or information to be lost or its systems to be corrupted.”

Malware used
According to an investigation by the Australian Financial Review, one of the attacks involved an email entitled “Strategic Planning FY2012″ which was sent to and opened by several members of staff.

It contained a malware application, which had managed to bypass existing security controls, but was not able to spread through the computer system.

Another targeted information relating to the G20 meetings.

The bank did not comment on reports that the malware came from China.

The Chinese government has repeatedly denied that it is behind cyber attacks, which security experts say target sensitive governmental and commercial information.

How to make cakes berries and white chocolate tastes great

 Ingredients :

    1/4 cup butter
    1/2 cup & 1 Tbsp sugar
    1 egg
    1 cup milk
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    1 Tbsp. baking powder
    2 cups plus 1 Tbsp.flour
    2 bars 8 oz white choc. baking bars chopped
    1/2 cup fresh rasberries
    dash of fresh grated nutmeg

Recipe Instructions
Grease 12 med. size muff cups or line w/ paper baking cups
In a med. size bowl, cream butter and 1/2 cup sugar until smooth.
Add egg, milk, and vanilla extract and stir until combined.
In a large bowl, whisk together baking powder,2 cups of flour, nutmeg and the white choc.
Gradually add to creamed mixture, mixing just until combined.
Add rasberries, and stir just until they are incorporated
Batter will be slightly lumpy
fill the prepared muffin cups three quarters full.
In a small bowl, add remaining 1 Tbsp of sugar and 1 Tbsp of flour, mix well
Dust muffins w/ sugar mixture.
Bake 20-25 min, or tillcenter springs back when touched lightly.
Cool muffins in pan on wire rack 5 min.
store in airtight container at room temp.

Motorola Razr HD review ( price , specification ,release date , features , problems, advantages, disadvantages)

Motorola's Razr HD smartphone has been out in the US for a few months and now it's arrived in the UK. Here's our Motorola Razr HD hands-on review.

Motorola's Razr HD smartphone has been out in the US for a few months and now it's arrived in the UK. Here's our Motorola Razr HD hands-on review.

We spent some time with the Razr HD (XT925) at this year's Mobile World Congress where we didn't exactly have to fight crowds to see the handset like the other vendors' stands at the show. See also: Group test: What's the best Android smartphone?

Like other recent Razr devices, Motorola has opted for something of an alternative design. The Razr HD looks like a lot of smartphones from the front with a glossy black finish but has a fascinating back.

Once again Motorola has used Kevlar as a material and this time covers the entirety of the handset's back and wraps right round to the aluminium which runs around the edge. In our opinion, it simply looks awesome and gives the premium feel you want from a smartphone.

Sadly, the Kevlar rear cover doesn't make the Motorola Razr HD bullet proof. However, the combination of it along with the alumium frame and Gorilla Glass makes the Razd HD a hardy handset. You certainly won't need to run out to buy a case or a cover for it.

In the UK, the Razr HD ships with Androud 4.1 Jelly Bean. Being owned by Google, the Motorola interface is largely vanilla Android but has its own style.

With a 1.5GHz dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 4.7in HD screen and an 8Mp rear camera, the Razr HD is Motorola's flagship smartphone. However, this isn't going to compete with the flagship devices of rival vendors very well.

Don't get us wrong, the Razr HD is a lovely phone. The screen looks fantastic with a 720×1280 resolution, even under the bright MWC lights, and the performance seemed decent enough to us. The issue is that there are more exciting smartphones on the market already and more are on the way.

If Motorola had launched the Razr HD in the UK last year then we would have been singing its praises. But, as it stands, it has to compete, in the Android market only, the Sony Xperia Z, HTC One and incoming Samsung Galaxy S4.

You might be thinking the Razr HD is likely to be cheaper than these rival devices, and it is. Clove and Expansys have the device for around £400 SIM-free which is a saving of at least £100. However, the Google Nexus 4 costs just £239 so the Razr HD sits in a strange a lonely position in the market.

The Razr HD does have 4G LTE built-in which is an advance over the Nexus 4, certainly. But consider that the HTC One SV costs about £250 and the Motorola handset looks less appealing.

If the Razr HD had a huge 3300mAh battery like the Razr Maxx, it would be a great reason to choose it, but it doesn't. It has a reasonable 2500mAh battery which coupled with a dual-core processor could produce a good battery life but it's no major selling point.

It's truly a shame but it's a case of Motorola bringing the Razr HD across the Atlantic too late for it to be a major contender. Every way you look at the smartphone, there is a better rival to be had for both more and less money.

Tips for spring cleaning with low costs

Spring is just around the corner — and so is the cleaning associated with it. This year, rather than merely dusting and organizing your possessions, take stock of what you have and consider selling what you don’t need.

“I would estimate people have between $3,000 and $5,000 worth of stuff in their house that they’re not using,” said Gail McMeekin, author of “The Power of Positive Choices: Adding and Subtracting Your Way to a Great Life.”

The easiest way to start is by breaking down what can be sold in four major rooms — the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom and the attic or garage.

Living Room

Many of us inherit furniture from our parents or grandparents, and it clutters our living spaces. “We don’t get rid of such items because we feel ashamed,” says Debbie Mandel, stress-management specialist and author of ” Product Details

Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life.” She recommends taking a picture of heirlooms before you sell them, so you keep the memory without having the furniture crowd your house.

When selling furniture, Julie Kearns, founder of Junket: Tossed & Found, a vintage resale shop, recommends checking the item's bottom and back for brand or manufacturers' markings. Once you have the name, she says, research how much the pieces may be worth on eBay and Craigslist. “It helps to figure out if there's already a market for the item,” she says.

Unless you already have an established reputation, however, Kearns suggests “using Yelp.com to identify business owners with a positive reputation in the marketplace” and to consider having a consignment or another shop sell the items for you.

Other items that Kearns suggests might be worth money include lampshades, especially ones that are from the 1970s or earlier, and mantel clocks.Condition and design are big factors here. A clean shade, preferably with a makers' mark, in excellent condition (without smoke/staining/etc.) can fetch $25-30 (more, if it's extra funky or space age), Kearns says.

Mandel adds that many people keep books even when they never intend to read them again. She suggests bundling them and selling them in bulk to a library or an online resale site.


Many of us have appliances that we bought with the best intentions — the massive juicer, the still-in-the-box bread maker — but never use. “Start by getting rid of old appliances that just take up space,” says McMeekin.

Appliances will fetch some decent cash, especially if they're in mint condition. But the objects that will sell for the most money are old dishes and glassware, especially from the 1930s or 1940s.

Silver-plate silverware also can be sold for surprisingly high prices. “Check the maker’s name on the back,” says Kearns. The name will be useful for determining whether or not there's already a market for the item. Once you have it, Kearns recommends doing an advanced search on eBay, and looking at the completed listings — items already sold — so that you can competitively price your own items.

One great site for buying and reselling china is Replacements LTD, which specializes in dinnerware, glassware, collectibles, and china and crystal.


The most obvious item to sell in bedrooms is old clothing and jewelry, which can be easily offloaded at consignment shops. Kearns recommends bundling clothing together — even if it is ripped or has stains — and selling it in bulk on eBay. “As long as you’re clear on the condition and quality, people will buy it,” she says. This works especially well with baby clothing, which children grow out of quickly.

Old clothes and jewelry that aren't name brands? The older, the better. A high quality 60s era dress without a pedigree could earn a seller $15-30 or more. Day dresses from the 1940s are easily worth $50, if they're in great shape. Eighties clothing can sell nicely, but must be a common size and very reminiscent of the decade: $5-15 per piece is typical, though some will fetch far more, Kearns says.

Other items that Kearns says sell well are vintage linens — Bates and Chanel are two brands that fetch especially high prices — as well as old sewing supplies, which often are made in colors or materials that have been discontinued.

The real money item in the bedroom, however, is the alarm clock. “Look for items from the 1950s, ‘60s or ‘70s with brand names like Westclox, General Electric, Braun and Bulova,” suggests Linda Abrams, author of “Collecting Under the Radar: Tomorrow's Antiques,” and an expert in American collectibles. “Colorful cases with crazy dials or fun Disney figures are especially valuable.”

Abrams says that clocks with space-age themes can fetch up to $100; alarm clocks with unusual alarms from the ‘50s can bring in up to $150; and cartoon-decorated alarm clocks up to $30.


U.S. and China reach to a deal for new sanctions on North Korea.

(UPI) — The United States and China have a deal for new sanctions on North Korea, paving the way for a new U.N. resolution, U.N. diplomats told The Wall Street Journal.

Under the deal, the new resolution to be introduced Tuesday in the U.N. Security Council would include both the existing as well as new ones against North Korea over its Feb. 12 nuclear test, which was the isolated Communist country's third such test since 2006.

A U.N. diplomat told the Journal China, North Korea's closest ally, has already voted for three sets of sanctions against its neighbor for its previous nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches in violation of Security Council resolutions.

“There is a meeting tomorrow and we will look at a text that the U.S. and China will present together,” a Security Council diplomat told the Journal. “They have reached a deal.”

The existing sanctions against North Korea were tightened in January after Pyongyang conducted its December long-range rocket launch, seen by the international community as a cover to test its long-range ballistic missile capability.

Under the new deal, a diplomat told the Journal the Security Council should adopt the new sanctions by the end of the week.

Currently, North Korea is banned from conducting all ballistic missile and nuclear tests and import and export of nuclear and ballistic missile-related material. The council also imposed an embargo on all arms imports and exports other than small arms as well as financial and travel sanctions on a number of individuals and North Korean companies.

The Security Council also has put in place a regime requiring all nations to inspect goods entering and leaving North Korean ports for contraband.

The Journal quoted diplomats that China would not agree to an oil embargo because of concerns about the North Korean economy collapsing which in turn would lead the massive inflow of refugees into China.

The Journal said it wasn't clear what the new sanctions would be besides adding new companies and individuals to the financial and travel-ban list.

Google Nexus 100 vs Apple iPad 40 tablet comparison review

Apple's fourth generation iPad is under fire from Google's Nexus 10. Read our Google Nexus 10 vs iPad 4 tablet comparison review to find out more.

The latest challenger to Apple's iPad has arrived in the form of Google's Nexus 10, made by Samsung. Updated on 28/01/13.

Unlike the Nexus 7, Nexus 10 is a direct competitor with the iPad and deserves one of our comparison reviews. We've spent a good deal of time testing both devices.

Google will be hoping to outdo the iPad with the Nexus 10 so here's how the two tablet heavyweights stand up to each other.

See also: Google Nexus 10 preview.

See also: iPad 4 review.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Price

After the budget friendly price of the Google Nexus 7, it's no surprise that the Nexus 10 is cheaper than the iPad. The Nexus 10 starts at £319 for the 16GB model while the equivalent iPad costs £80 more at £399.

The price gap is slightly bigger for the 32GB models – a gap of £90 with the Nexus 10 at £389 and the iPad at £479.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Dimensions

The two tablets are similar in their weights and measurements. The Nexus 10 is 178 x 264mm compared to 186 x 241mm; however it is thinner at 8.9mm against 9.4mm.

If weight is important to you, and it probably is, the Nexus 10 is the lighter tablet. It weighs 603g while the iPad tips the scales at 652g.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Screen

Both these tablets offer large screens. The iPad's still the classic Apple 9.7in but the Nexus 10's is marginally bigger at 10.1in. Since its third generation, the iPad uses a 2048 x 1536 Retina quality resolution. However Google has trumped this with 2560 x 1600.

When you crunch the numbers the iPad's display is impressively detailed with a pixel density of 264ppi. The Nexus 10 beats the Retina quality, though, with a whopping 300ppi.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Processor and memory

With high res displays, the processor is an important element here. The iPad 4 has an Apple A6X dual-core processor with quad-core graphics. Our benchmarking app tells us that it's clocked at 1.39GHz and the test results were impressive so check out our review for more details.

Google has gone for a similar setup with an ARM Cortex A-15 1.7GHz dual-core processor and a Mali T604 GPU (up to quad-core). We haven't had the Nexus 10 in yet but look out for our review for benchmarks. On the memory side of things the Nexus 10 has twice that of the iPad 4 at 2GB.

In the GeekBench 2 test the Nexus 10 defeated the iPad 4 with a score of 2505 against 1769. However, the iPad 4 beat the Nexus 10 in our other two benchmarks.

The iPad 4 managed 854ms in the SunSpider JavaScript test while the Nexus 10 recorded a time of 1329ms.

In terms of graphics, the Nexus 10 achieved 27fps in GLBenchmark and iPad 4 reached 39fps.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Storage

Sticking with tradition, the fourth generation iPad comes in three storage capacities: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB with no expansion available via a card slot. Google has opted for just 16GB and 32GB models, also without a microSD card slot.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Cameras

On the photography side of things the Nexus 10 and iPad 4 have a similar setup. Both have a 5Mp rear facing camera and front facing webcams. The Nexus 10 has a slightly higher rating for the front facing camera at 1.9Mp compare to 1.2Mp.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Connectivity

Connectivity on the Nexus 10 consists of 802.11b/g/n dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, near-field communications (NFC). Physical ports consist of microUSB, Micro-HDMI, 3.5mm headphone jack and a magnetic 'Pogo' pin charger.

Apple has fitted the iPad with 802.11a/b/g/n dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. Physical ports consist of the usual 3.5mm headphone jack and Apple's Lightning connector.

A big difference is that the iPad comes in a Wi-Fi + Cellular data model which supports 4G LTE connectivity in the UK.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Software

Software is an area where these tablets distinctly vary. The iPad runs on Apple's own iOS and the Nexus 10 tablet runs Google's latest version of Android, 4.2 Jelly Bean.

See also: iOS 6 review.

See also: Android 4.2 Jelly Bean FAQ: What you need to know.

Google Nexus 10 vs Apple iPad 4: Battery

The iPad 4 has a 42.5Wh rated battery compared to 33.3Wh on the Nexus 10. Apple promises the usual 10 hour battery life when browsing the web over Wi-Fi. Although Google hasn't specified a battery life, The Telegraph reports a slightly lower figure of nine hours.

A new study says: 100 million sharks are killed per year

The most accurate assessment yet of the impact of commercial fishing on sharks suggests about 100 million are killed each year.

The researchers say that this rate of exploitation far too high, especially for species that reproduce later in life.

The main factor driving the trade is continued demand for shark fins for soup in Chinese communities.

The report has been published in the journal Marine Policy.

The researchers acknowledged that the establishment of the true level of global shark fishing is extremely difficult, as the poor quality of the data. Many sharks are caught for their fins removed at sea with the body dumped in the sea. Often these are not included in the official reports of fish.

Margin fin
However, scientists estimate a mortality of between 63 and 273 million sharks in 2010.

"There is a very large group and it speaks to the quality of the data, which is not great," said Dr. Demian Chapman of Stony Brook University in New York, United States.

"Certainly 100 million is an estimate of the average and this is the best estimate of there," he added.

While the number of sharks being caught has not changed much between 2000 and 2010, the authors of the research argue that commercial fishing fleets are simply change the location and types of sharks they target in order to keep up with the demand. The fear is that eventually these shark species will crash.

Fueling concern is the fact that many of the species that are most threatened too slow to reproduce.

"There are a lot of sharks, which are prized in the trade takes more than a decade to reach maturity," said Dr. Chapman.

"There is a level of really very narrowly mortality of sharks that can be encountered before the path becomes negative population - and this is really what was happening.

"They are not fast enough to keep up with the rate of reproduction we pulled out of the ocean," he added.

The engine was the largest shark fishing demand for shark fin soup, a product that is seen as a luxury commodity among Chinese communities.

While still being cut shark fins at sea off, many countries, including Canada, the United States and the European Union have tried to restrict by law.

But this has not had the desired effect, explained Dr. Chapman.

"The problem is that the valuable fins so that now people do not 'finning' sharks in the sea - they're keeping everything. But it is still dead, has finning ban did not stop the root of the problem."

On Sunday, negotiators from 178 countries gather in Bangkok for the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). There are proposals to regulate trade in five of the most endangered species of sharks.

At a previous meeting in 2010, down similar restrictions just short of the two-thirds majority required. This time, activists say they enjoy widespread support among developed and developing countries and are optimistic that they will be able to mobilize the required votes....

Justin Bieber angers many fans after his arrival in London concert

Fashionably late? Justin Bieber has angered many of his fans after he appeared two late for his concert in London O2 Arena on Monday, 4 March. The singer was scheduled aged 19 years to perform at 8:30 pm with doors open at 6:30 pm, but did not arrive until 10:38, and tells Weekly.

When I finally reach Bieber, many fans booed the singer. Insider tells us that young fans Bieber and sleep before finally arriving, and even started crying when they were to leave the show after only a few songs. Many had go to school the next morning and pick up post from main train exhibit.

To compensate for the delay to him, and tells that "boyfriend" singer had to majorly cut his list.

"A lot of parents are unhappy at night school, but I feel sorry for the young crying because they missed half the concert," tweeted one fan. "It was good though."

But some did not mind the long wait to see beloved. "OMG! The concert was crazy!" Tweeted another fan. "Had to wait some time, but it was totally worth it as I saw Justin Bieber Finally!"

Alison Pill Calls off Engagement

The wedding is off for good. After a two-year engagement, Alison Pill and Jay soon on broken computer. Canadian star has canceled their engagement, and went their separate ways, us confirms Weekly.
This is the end of the actor hinted about their split on Twitter February 16, "Alone Again, Naturally. Sadness," he wrote in a letter that he deleted later. "I will not be on Twitter to ring for a moment. Getting dumped rules."

Soon became a computer, 30, and pills, 27, engaged in December 2010 after meeting on the set of a hockey goon flick. Was in the twosome plans for Wednesday in September 2012 in Quebec.
"We're getting married in the ice wine grapes. Me and groomsmen will all be wearing kilts," said Representative thunder over us in February 2012! "We will be welcome by the Pipers. Will be very small, 70 person wedding, just friends and family."

But in an interview with the Victoria Times Colonist last month, and soon on the computer explained why the wedding never happened. "Unfortunately, we are two people who are busy fundamentally lazy," he said. "In the free time, the last thing we want to do is to book flights and organizing hotel rooms for the people." He added, "but it will happen at some point."

Or not at all, as it turns out. On Sunday, March 3, attended the pill alone the 30 anniversary of the newsroom at the Saban Theater in Beverly Hills. Smiling on the carpet, the actress was missing accessory and one clear image capture her: her engagement ring.
Why the pair decided to split for good? Our source says that their relationship long distance has become very difficult to control.

"Working and living in Canada is something that [soon on the computer] is very passionate about. He wanted her up there often, but they really love the newsroom and the opportunities that are out there for her," explains the interior. "They were doing the long distance thing a lot."

Finally ..Became a Ghada Abdel Razek grandfather

Put Rotana girl Ghada Abdel Razek became her first Khadija Ghada Abdel Razek Jeddah 2013 exhibition
Granddaughter Ghada Abdel Razek 2013 Ghada Abdel Razek war veil and reading Koran after the birth of daughter Khadija Rotana Ghada Abdel Razek receives her first granddaughter and called Khadija 2013 received actress Ghada Abdel Razek hours her first granddaughter Rotana Abdel Razek put Khadija
Actress Ghada Abdel Razek stop all work due to receive her first granddaughter (Khadija). Where Ghada Abdel Razek is eager to accompany her only (Rotana) in the hospital during birth process to check on their health and the health of premature granddaughter 

Ramez Galal-threatening because of her program ' "Tutankhamun " in ramadan

Given the strength of the plot, which was the guest of the program «Ramez Tutankhamun», where suddenly found themselves in front of the mummy move and attack snakes them inside a cemetery Pharaonic close it, and a number of them had seen and failed to control the reaction, including Haifa, who said wordsgraffiti, S through which the crew who accompanied her to the cemetery where they were Pharaonic imaging, which are words that shocked staff and through them and saw the face of another star singing unexpected and review.
After imaging insisted Haifa Wehbe, according to the site «homeland minimum», the prosecution Ramez Galal because of the panic caused by her, but he barely tried to satisfaction, and eventually agreed, but then he may troughs, which was agreed at the outset in order to approve the Episode inside the radio program in the month of September, a condition in which the Rkhadd him responsible for the program in order to take advantage of the presence of Haifa in the guest list, which achieves the biggest announcement of the return program for the channel, which will display it.

Carole Samaha rejects the title of the Performing artist

Cairo _ rejected the Lebanese singer Carole Samaha personal disclosure of her boyfriend, who is preparing to marry the end of this year, and justified, saying, "It's my personal life and no one has the right to be locked in, all over the place at the right time."
Carroll confirmed that the marriage will help them to more creativity in the technical scope, he added, "to marry her to go in my career and technical creativity, when I feel that the stability and security of the oldest most beautiful thing and my heart."
He stressed Lebanese singer to reject the title of "performer" launched by some a result of her review of talent, and justified, saying, "The respect for this title because it was actually called to possess that talent, but at the moment it became known as the dancers, so I refuse to call it."

Try make women feel romantic

How to create a sense of romantic women
By Ron Louis and David Copeland
To seduce a woman, you should take them to another world, the world of romance, the poetry world.
Sometimes this happens automatically with a woman
If you have not felt this, there is nothing wrong, by following these simple guidelines, you can learn to create those special feelings.
* Always kept privy to the romantic ideas or attitudes.
You can train your mind is always looking for ways in which it is possible to create moments of romance.
Give the impression that you think about
Women feel to excellence, just like any other person does. 
Do something special and out of the ordinary
Do not take a woman to the same place that you go with friends, but take it to a place outside of the ordinary. Such as the cafe overlooking the river in a small town adjacent
Focused on the details
Women want "small things", so you should make sure that every small thing is true if you want to seduce a woman. Such as flowers and lit candles for the first time new, everything is clean, there is nothing dirty. Romance.

Yara Naoum celebration of her husband's birthday Imad

Despite the lack of it with her, but Yara Naoum, former Miss Egypt, keen to celebrate a birthday husband Imad tired, Ahli star, the 30th in its own way.
Former Miss Egypt, published through its own page on the 'Facebook', with several pictures of tired and tart inside Wax phrase Merry Christmas in English.
Yara commented on the image, saying: «I wish you the happiest birthday and days of success more than ever .. Hey sniper, I hope that God gives us the happiest moments .. We will remain together forever.
It is noteworthy that Emad tired offline in Alexandria, accompanied by Al-Ahly, in preparation to meet for Congolese Iobar, tomorrow, the title of the African Super ...

Dora in New Look angers the public

Artist Dora made ​​a surprise for her audience to communicate with her ​​fans the Tunisian artist Dora publish a picture of her in the New Sexy Look, on its social networking site Facebook.
Dora raised the eyebrows of some leading private and is followed by the comment: «in this blessed day I hope that everyone is happy», which I consider some harm to the Eid al-Adha, and others expressed their admiration Ballok Some of them said: «Blessed God» and another said: «Superstar» .

Granddaughter completely Ghada Abdel Razek change,

Alsenemaúah star said Ghada Abdel Razek
 It was hit by the situation of severe depression in the past because of the many rumors around, saying they decided to distance itself from it all because they are affected too.

Ghada explained the cause of absence from the media recently saying: «What's going through the country is now more important than talking about our lives and what is going through, as well as the multitude of rumors around me no longer showed as much or read newspapers or watch television, and now I do not hear nor see nor speak» .
Egyptian actress talked about her granddaughter and said: «Khadija changed me 100%, and if you fear for myself 50% became afraid it 100%, it turned my life upside down, and better ensure the filming, because of it until I sit with her a little bit, although it is still small and unconsciously.
And revealed that she did not restrain herself from crying when she saw for the first time, saying she remembered the first time I carried the 'Rotana', and hoped to be on as much responsibility.

Marwa Star.My appearance secret of my success

Crossed her mind global star Angelina Jolie Lebanese singer Marwa said they are no longer interested in the many rumors that hounded day and night, whether due or without cause, and became a daily routine considers them to deal with.

Marwa went on saying that the rumors haunt renowned artists more than others, so many rumors around evidence of success and excellence.

Marwa confirmed that they both talented in singing or acting, though beauty is a problem for some people, they are advising them not to watch a play, they will not change their style, and will not be concerned satisfy biased and co-conspirators, according to the expression!

Commenting on the video clip that has recently spread a dance with years at his wedding, Marwa said she is not shy and considers fine art can not afford many of his performance, and refuses to be a video clip new argument to attack them and to target.

Lebanese singer Maria return to the art scene

Lebanese singer has expressed its opinion on the artistic and musical arenas, Maria said that Haifa Wehbe the best Lebanese singer turned to acting, and praised their performance in the film "Dokan Shehata." And Mona Zaki considered the best actress of her generation.

With that said Souad Hosni like the highest in the representation, Fairuz was described as a great artist and a great, considering the recent return to the arena will not affect them; being an artist with a history, with no room to compare it to any other artist.

The Lebanese singer justified not sing to Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq that it did not find a suitable job and good, adding that it will open a children's school if retired art in the coming period.

With regard to her personal life, the artist touched on her love life and the qualities that out about everything in Persia dreams; she said: "I do not need to be a man oriental meets the specifications (C Mr.)," but stressed that she likes the man who controlled and envious.

Surprise increase the weight of Turkish star Nehal

Said Turkish star Nihal during their presence with the Turkish star Hazal Kaya and famous in the Arab world by «Nihal» in the series «adoring forbidden» opening ceremony film Butterfly star Kivanc Tatlitug, noted journalists marked increase on the weight, and push them curiosity to ask her about it.
Nihal did not feel shocked by this question or embarrassment, but she smiled for asking for increased weighing confidently tell them that this is normal because they do not adhere to shoot any work of art at the moment and you eat freely.
«Fraiha» said after someone asked her about Diet dealt drugs: «It's not a problem for me, I am against slimming drugs
And weight loss that may cause Wafa ..

Sherry Adel.I want to marry Ahmed Ramzy

She artist Shery just in a statement to the media cost it hoped to have its share on mannered young man, to create, from a respectable family, loved her, help her in her art, and finally similar to the late actor Ahmed Ramzi in terms of Hqaute and lightness of his blood.

Just considered that symbolically represents her boy dreams that you want to marry him, announcing her dream to marry him even though he was at the age of eighty.

The fair in her magazine Network: "Ahtaft all movies Ahmad Ramzi no hope of movies in my spare time, and if I had an important appointment and I watched him film, I apologize for the time and keep in front of the screen fascinated and Olhana and Mtimh it, frankly, was myself marry him

Exclusive image of a Selena Jominz the artist

Starred American actress and singer Selena Gomez, Pfstan the "Aqua" color, has been focused on her elegantly slim body, to attend the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas.
Selena wore (20 years), with her ​​dress from Cushnie et Ochs design Beige shoes designed by Giuseppe Zanotti, and line her hair ponytail, but left some wisps corrugated flowing around her face.
There is no doubt that Selena happy to return to Texas, where predecessor.
On the other hand, Gomez confirmed that it would not seek to reconcile the former star boyfriend Justin Bieber, but will try in the future link Bnadj, which is currently busy promoting her film, in addition to Tsouriha her new clip in California

Exclusively for the first pictures star Hakirh with her ​​baby

For the first time image Hakirh with her ​​baby via social networking sites Facebook and Twitter
Shakira's appeared with Milan, which came in the second month, where he was laughing impressed Colombian star lover, and explained the significant similarities collected by his father, the Spanish player Gerard Pique.

Shakira have emotional Bpique relationship since 2011, did not announce their intention to marry up with the arrival of her first child Milan.

Photo beautiful woman in the world

The most beautiful women in the world - is the title that got the crossbar Australian citizenship
 "Miranda Kerr," Miranda has got the title through a referendum conducted by the British magazine Esquire.

 It was a special referendum for magazine subscribers. After the presentation to the audience won the admiration of millions of audience in the Arab world and the whole world

For the first time Dolly Shaheen sung peoples

Ended the Lebanese singer Dolly Shaheen of recording her first experience singing folk painted entitled 'Life', and annexed to its own new album.
Dolly denied that the song in response to the artist Mohamed Saad, who hired Bbusa for his participation in a popular song for his new film propaganda 'had', Dolly refused to sing with him - even though they heroine - saying it was not good at singing and folk dancing.
Egyptian artist she embarked on this step in response to the desire of some artists friends to experience the color of the singing, expressing her pleasure to work with Mohamed Saad for the first time and wished success elephant

EXCLUSIVE first marriage after Iten Amer

Published Egyptian actress Ayten Amer her first image of the new backstage drama series 'second wife', which embodies the personal already embodied in the late Egyptian actress Souad Hosni.
Ayten appeared with her in the picture Egyptian actor Amr Waked, who embodies in the role of the series 'Abul Ela' which preceded and body of the late Egyptian artist Shukri Sarhan.
Egyptian actor Basem Samra is also involved in the series helmed by Khairi Bishara, which embodies the role of the 'mayor' body in the film of the late Egyptian artist Salah Mansour

Actress Basma response to Tamer and posted a picture with him Shalaby

For the first time are actress Basma Boussil her husband star Tamer Hosny and publishes a picture with him Shalaby after he was fronting between them about the secret image is received and posted on networking sites Alajmtaih Facebook and Twitter and told him that these photographs is not permissible for him to intervene and said mechanism also it's freeand not one constrained

What is the secret slender actress Ruby

Said actress Ruby about the secret slender body and confirmed Nijmeh Ruby it is keen on agility on a daily basis and essential, they do not like obesity never therefore is follow a balanced diet to get her body the vitamins necessary, as it does not address at all dinner, because they contribute to weight gain and loss of agilityand, in the case of feeling hungry between meals or late at night, they take fruits.
And do not overlook the Ruby side of sports in their daily lives, they are aerobic exercise and go to the gym three times a week, giving her the required flexibility and agility, as well as Ruby likes dancing a lot and this is a serious secret of the secrets of agility

Mady Salma Boussil chasing Tamer Hosny

Deployment of some people who object to the artist Tamer Hosny passport artist the picture Boussil peaceful ticket of Salma Boussil past on the social networking sites 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' search for all relation ببسمة of old photographs and news.
Fans Tamer and معجباته amassed Basma special pictures of their program 'Star Academy', saying it carried out a beautify the nose, they based Basma in saying that she had during her desire to make the process of Academy Beauty nose.
Not only was when only so, but they searching for pictures of her with colleagues collected their friendship, including Yahya Academy Sweiss from Jordan who came out at the beginning of the program, noting also to the friendship Balkwyta the Ibrahim Dashti, who said she knew after Yahya exit.
At a time when Moroccan defended Basma, saying it does not need to carry out the Beauty and jealous of them are looking for and beyond

Exclusive image of the artist Shirin wears a veil

After the public has Sherine Wagdy actress ..
Design a picture of her wearing a veil. This ignited the comments of a large number of activists across the "Facebook."
And saw a large number of lovers Shirin they are the most beautiful hijab and invited a number of them to wear the veil to retire and emotional songs, and to provide those social and emotional development. While others considered that it is just a joke and it's been installed across the "Voto shop", while some of them felt that the Egyptian star is already thinking to wear the hijab in the coming period, especially as it promised her audience not to wear clothes exposed in concerts.

The emergence of actress Mary Knight and New Look

After an absence of many years and months the actress Mary Knight returned to the courtyard of the theater, art, and appeared in the New Look and she now resides ...
 In the Emirate of Dubai to portray the new ad for one of the products, but did not disclose details.
It is worth mentioning that Myriam Fares has been selected to participate in the program "Dancing with the Stars"
That displays the channel on mtv, to be within the program jury.

Why betrothal Marwa Nasr conversion to a wedding

The actress Marwa Nasr said in a statement to the media
The singer Marwa Nasr invited her friends to attend her engagement ceremony, but they were surprised after their arrival that engagement, but no wedding.
And it says Marwa «was already scheduled to be a speech only, and let friends for the ceremony, but Mohamed Allam my husband offered me the idea of ​​the wedding, the happy lot, fitted dress and wedding arrangements in a very short time, and the surprise was in front of the guests who Adhishthm the idea and thought it surprise.
She said - in dialogue in the newspaper politics - «presented at the concert song you prepared specially for this day is a song« The Yak-O I », also gave Mohamed Nour and Karim Mohsen and Nader Hamdi song titled« night on Marwa Allam », one of the words Mohamed Mustafa, and composed by Ahmad Yousef and distribution Mohammed Shafiq.

Exclusive photo of artist Nancy Ajram before plastic surgery

See picture of Nancy Ajram before plastic surgery will not believe it Nancy has been changed features and fully addressed even the people closest to her did not expect it Nancy

It seems that Nancy Ajram has changed so much after several Alnjamil operations, which had omitted in recent years

And you phases of cosmetic surgery in the picture

Shock of a young man in his sister after multiple relations with girls

صدمة شاب فى اخته بعد علاقاته المتعددة مع البنات كان هناك شاب، كغيره من الشباب، يستعمل النت وغيره من وسائل الاتصال، بالبنات اللاهيات الغافلات، اللواتي عن صلاتهم ساهيات، وبعلمهن مهملات، وبالمسنجرات لاهيات، فلم يترك وسيلة اتصال، عبر الإنترنت تبادل الصور والأصوات، والموبايلات، كان خير سبيل لترتيب المواعيد والمكالمات، كان يعرف الكثير من البنات، يغازلهن بأجمل وأرق الكلمات، ووعدهن بالزواج، كان يكرر كلماته على كل فتاة يعرفها، ومنهن من قابلهن بطرقه السرية، لم يكن يفكر بالزواج، فعنده الكثير من البنات اللواتي أشبعن غرائزه، وتخيلهن وكأنهن معه نائمات. ولكثرة من عرف من البنات، تأكد أن جميعهن خائنات. وكان لديه أخوات، فحرص عليهن شديد الحرص حتى لا يقعن بأمثاله من الشباب، فلم يسمح لهن بالرد على الهاتف، أو حتى النظر من الشباك، كان يوصلهن بنفسه إلى الكليات، ويترقب جميع تحركاتهن حتى في البيت، فقد شدد عليهن الخناق. وفي يوم من الأيام، أوصل أخته إلى الكلية، ولم يغادر حتى تأكد من دخولها وغلق الباب، فركب سيارته وعاد إلى البيت عاد، ليكمل أحاديثه مع الصديقات والخليلات، وخلفه وفي إحدى الطرقات حصلت حادثة مفجعة، إنها سيارة انقلبت على من فيها، ولو تعلمون من كان فيها، لقد تعرفوا عليها من خلال بعض الأوراق التي تناثرت في الهواء. لقد كانت أخته مع شاب، بصفاته، كان يواعدها ويأخذها، ليستمتعا معاً، ولكن ما حدث لهما لم يكن يخطر ببال، لقد ماتا، موتة مهينة لقد ماتا على معصية، وهتك للأعراض. فاتصلت الشرطة ببيت أهلهما ليتعرفا على الجثث، وكانت الفاجعة عندما رأى الشاب أخته، وقد كانت لذلك الشاب عاشقة، فتذكر كل الكلام الذي أسمعه للبنات، لقد كان ذلك الشاب يقول مثله لأخته، وعندها جهر بالبكاء واستغفر ربه وعرف أن الله حق، وأن الدهر دوار، وكما تدين تدان، ولو حافظت على أخواتك وبناتك وأحكمت عليهن الأبواب، فالأحرى بك أن تكون لهن خير مثال، وحتى الآن يبكي هذا الشاب، كلما تذكر أخته، والطريقة التي ماتت بها وعرف أن موتها تنبيه من الرحمن له ليرجع عن طريق الشيطان . اعوز بالله

First appearance for the sister of Haifa Wehbe

First appearance sister Haifa Wehbe The reason for this decline in a large proportion of the fans and the viewers and the audience Haifa Wehbe said a lot of artists that sister Haifa outgrow them in a lot of talent and a private beauty and has a great opportunity to participate in dramas, artistic and will succeed Wow saidsome directors that have many talents and it will make a big audience in a very short time