Rosy and artist returning from Lebanon's Bekaa

"Accuracy Mahbajk" is the title of the new song chosen by the artist Rosie station to return to the music scene after an absence.
A song written and composed by Hussam Khoury and distribution Marcelino recording studio Elie Saba, has carried the signature of the director Jad, who chose the Bekaa region and its surroundings, a place to film work, where he presented Rosie in fits and suit their capabilities and technical capabilities and the Performing Arts, Valclaib like to be a panel exhibition rich بالرقصات expressive and fashion deals commensurate with the music and the ambience of the Gulf nature.
The song is witnessing a remarkable success in the Gulf states and Lebanon, has initiated local and satellite channels broadcast extensively, which is produced by Rosie accompanied by great sound

Penulis : Unknown ~

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