Cause of the Diana Curzon in problem

Curzon years ago became appear strange, initially justified, she is happy on their own because they lost some of the weight, and become agile and she likes her finery and catch up with fashion.

But it has become above the usual, and not only moved away from their shape, which I love people in the (Super Star), but for the environment and also her personality.

Will not talk about the technical options and so forth .. Diana Sometimes it feels things and it became clear that they want to draw attention, seems Lady Gaga the Arabs!!

Curzon lovers withdrew, to Ieqboha, because they ate advise them, and accuse (Hagop), which works with all of these movements.

This is some what Ketbo her, and said to Diana "Vdhtina" specifically after this image and other views Altaika that was the last opportunities that are not exploited by Diana to listen to the fans.

It is not the first time that Mahbuha criticizes harsh manner, and was more than Ohmthm time they returned to their senses and then re-condition Gaga.

Penulis : Unknown ~

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